7 Diet Plans For Women to Lose Weight Fast — Best Diets to Try!

Want to lose weight? Okay, but which diet to choose?
It must be adapted to your everyday health lifestyle and diet, not dangerous to health, guaranteed to make you lose weight in a sustainable way.
This article to slimming diets dissects all the methods, both the old or fashionable, to give you the choice of the best diet according to your case and the area of the body you want to lose weight.
You have decided to lose weight and for that, you have set out in search of an effective diet plan(s) to lose your extra pounds quickly.
To achieve your goal, it is important to find the right weight-loss method for your metabolism and body type because we do not all gain and lose weight in the same way.
In addition, not all diets are the same. Follow this article to find the diet that will make you lose weight safely and sustainably.
1. Sugar-free diets
Sugar is essential for the proper functioning of our muscles and our brain. However, consumed in high doses, it can become addictive and have harmful impacts on health (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, osteoarthritis) and on the silhouette with the appearance of an unsightly overweight.
To eliminate those extra pounds, a diet without sugar turns out to be an interesting solution.
The first thing to do: remove the refined sugar. No more sweets, sodas, pastries and other industrial preparations. Go for naturally sweet foods (fruits, vegetables) that will satisfy your taste without weighing on your figure. If these good practices are not enough to erase your curves, opt for a diet with little or no sugar.
2. The Low Carb Diet
Derived from the Atkins diet, the Low Carb weight loss program is based on a diet low in carbohydrates. Admittedly, weight loss is rapid, but the health effects are harmful: cramps, nausea, headaches, constipation … It is therefore advisable to follow it with caution.
- Carb Cycling
Very popular at the moment, especially in sports, this diet allows you to lose weight without fatigue and without muscle-melting.
How does it work? alternate the “low” days, i.e low in carbohydrates (little sugar) and the “up” days with higher content.
For example, every other day, you can consume protein (fish, egg, meat) with green vegetables and low-sugar fruits (raspberries, apple etc.) then on the second day add legumes (lentils) to these foods, dried beans etc), root vegetables (carrot, beetroot …) and more fruit.
In short, it’s about choosing the right carbohydrates and consuming them in reasonable quantities.
Advantage it has: Everyone modulates their food program according to their lifestyle and the number of pounds they want to lose. Over the long term, 6 months to a year, the Carb cycling diet provides effective and lasting fat loss.
3. Protein and high protein diets
High protein and high protein diets are known to promote rapid weight loss without feeling hungry.
How does it work? Increase protein intake (meat, fish, egg) while reducing sugars and fats. The goal? Encourage the body to spend more energy than it gains. Thus, it compensates for the lack of carbohydrates by drawing on fat stores which leads to a dramatic weight loss (5 pounds in a week and 12 pounds in a month).
If protein and high protein diets have very satisfactory results, their effects on health are pointed out: fatigue of the heart, strain on the kidneys, menstrual disturbances … it also turns out that without going through a stabilization phase, the weight lost comes back very quickly. Therefore, these diets are more recommended for people who need to lose weight quickly before surgery (for example) and require medical supervision.
4. Low-calorie diets
This method consists of consuming a minimum dose of calories. Like a diet, it allows you to lose weight by eating less and especially by eating better.
They consist of reducing the daily calorie intake in order to force the body to draw on its reserves. During the low-calorie diet, the daily intake ranges from 1000 to 1500 kcal against 1800 for a woman and 2000 for a man.
To succeed on a low-calorie diet, you must severely limit lipids (fats), carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose), saturated fatty acids and remove alcohol. Instead, it is recommended to increase your intake of vegetables to cover vitamin intake and drink 1.5 litres of water to help the kidneys function properly.
Over time, the body gradually loses its curves, but also muscle and certain deficiencies can occur. This is why it is better to be followed by a doctor.
5. Eccentric diets
If there are diets developed by nutritionists who have proven themselves, every year, especially with the approach of the summer holidays, we see completely crazy, even dangerous weight-loss methods appearing.
- The grapefruit diet
The principle is simple: start all your low-calorie meals with half a grapefruit over a period of one or two weeks. Grapefruit is said to have fat-burning properties. The problem is that this has never been proven … And that by eating grapefruit followed by a low-calorie meal, we certainly lose weight, but we tire the body and we expose ourselves to deficiencies.
- The blood group diet
This method is based on the fact that each blood group has specific nutritional needs: proteins and vegetables for group O, vegetarian diet for group A and a diet rich in dairy products for group B. The downside is that according to his diet profile can become very restrictive and therefore cause vitamin deficiencies and a lot of fatigue.
6. Gourmet diet
Gourmet diet — An efficient and gourmet diet with recipes and menus.
To lose weight effectively and durably, we sometimes need help to stay motivated and this requires good organization: preparation of menus, taste pleasure on the plate, etc. To lose weight without worry, opt for a diet that offers recipe ideas and gourmet menus.
7. Fast diet
The fast diet encourages you to eat foods that are rich in protein, vegetables, and fruits (but low in fat) on fast days. Lean proteinous food tend to keep us full for longer and build muscle while burning fat
For example, a typical 500-calorie fast day can include oatmeal and fresh blueberries for breakfast, tangerine for a snack, and a chicken with vegetable stir-fry for your dinner. Then drink plenty of water and you can also have calorie-free beverages like tea, or coffee (but without milk or sugar) and soda.
Then on your 5th day “off day”, you can eat anything you want but it is advisable you stay away from drinking alcohol on fast days. And if you must drink, then be moderate about it on your “off days.” And once you’ve reached your weight loss goal, fasting 1 day a week is recommended for maintenance.
Other fast weight loss diets you can try out: Optavia diet, Atkins Diet, Jenny Craig Diet, Keto Diet, Weight Watcher Diet, SlimFast, Vegan diet and more.
How to speed up your weight loss process?
Well beyond a diet, finding and keeping a flat stomach requires good gestures. Exercises, massages shouldn’t be neglected too.
For more efficiency, it is advisable to maintain your body’s natural ability to stay healthy and facilitate energetic well-being always. And how do you do this for an effective result?
This is where this recommended weight loss discovery comes in.